A collective of artisan knitters, community partners and sponsors working together to warm northern kids.
Monday, December 29, 2008
The Count
Socks 44
Hats 151
Mitts and Gloves 141
Blankets 19
Sweaters 20
I pulled out all of the little tags and things with names on them, so you're all in the draw.
Thanks so much for participating in the project - I know how busy it is this time of year, and yet each one of you made time to make something and slip it in an envelope or box or bag and drop it off or mail it. You've got warm hands and warm hearts!
Anita and Amy
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Roll Credits 3: Linda, Louise, Jeannine and Kara
So we got so much stuff from the OKG and the Toronto crew that we are going to have to open the boxes and start packing and unpacking. Okay if you're cool and 40+, as soon as you see packing and unpacking, you're humming "town to town, up and down the dial". Feed us the next line of the song in a comment, and you will be immortalized forever in the ledger of cooldom.
But I digress.
This hat was made by Kara of Quebec city (kalyle on Ravelry). I had to take a picture of it alone because its too cute.
These are all Kara's too:
Roll Credits 2: Theresa and the OKG
Julia Yeung of the Ottawa Knitting Guild put together these juicy tidbits:
Roll Credits 1: Auriol and Rhea
Friday, December 12, 2008
US Invasion - Very Cool

Okay the caption is American, and there's stuff from a Torontonian. One more non-sequitor (sequiter?): I'm Indian by heritage and my people are big on the scopes - usually I read the G&M Sally Brompton, which tends to be pretty negative (everyone's out to get you, you are doomed, etc.). A friend of mine recently pointed me to Free Will Astrology. Oh my gosh, I love him! Apparently I am a gorgeous genius - who doesn't need that kind of positive affirmation?
Okay back to my knitting - we're going to be busy this weekend packing boxes like crazy ladies 'cause next week is the rooooad trip! Wish us luck.
Lovely Lynn
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Great knitting from Toronto
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Boxes - They Don't Stop
My former librarian, Daphne, went to town on the hats this year:
These mittens came from she who shall remain nameless (lady, if you're out there, please post a note so that I can enter you in the draw). I'll give you a hint, your box looked pregnant. If you tell me what colour it was, I'll know it was you!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
We're filling boxes!
Don't forget about our draw!
I have been converted to knitting on round needles now - the hats go pretty quickly, and no seaming which seems to slow me down a few weeks at least! I was able to make a few en route to Vancouver this week. A nod to the lovely yarn of Penny Stewart on Granville Island. Next time, I will note the closing time - I had to settle for handling someone else's.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Les Chapeaux D'Alix
I have seen a 2-hour documentary on TV5, a French channel about Mongolia and a reality show on the same channel where participants had to travel through Mongolia with a Euro a day. What a challenge! The nomads are poor but willing to share. When they can't live on the steppe they move their yurt on the outskirts of the cities. These are the ones who really need help. I will be pleased to knit for them.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Julia and Cynthia and others
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Thanks for the Recent Arrivals!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
We're Havin' a Draw!

or maybe Brent Butt
, or.....
we could have a draw for this beautiful Cross Cross Scarf pattern and yarn from Fleece artist:

The yarn is Suri Blue (50% Suri Alpaca/50% Blue Face Leicester) and I am sitting on my hands right now to stop myself from ripping the package open. The colour is kind of ocean greeny fading in and out - I'm no wordsmith so here's a picture of another item with the same colours:

So here are the rules, well not really rules, more just a general framework. Because if they were rules, then this would be a lottery, and that would be wrong:
1. Knit your stuff and either send it to us or drop it off at one of our LYS partners. To the bag, either give us an email address or a Ravelcrack name.
2. For each item you donate, we'll enter your name once in the draw.
3. The deadline is February 20th. You can knit for either the Innu kids or for the Mongolian kids - by the way, if you have a preference for your donation, just attach a note to your stuff and we'll make sure it gets there.
Easy peasy, lemon-squeezy.
But if you'd rather have Brent Butt as the prize, post us a comment and we'll see what we can do.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
She did it!
And, thank you to the crocheter who dropped off the many squares to Knit Knackers. And I loved the socks that Knit Knackers added. Very kind. I will be trying to find volunteers to make the squares into blankets, and will delve back into that myself. I made a poncho out of squares last summer, so I may try one or two of those as well.
I have been knitting little hats, working through leftovers in my stash. Photos later!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Cool Lynn
Good morning,As discussed, I put together some small kits for some of the seniors in my community - with the thought that the seniors would benefit from having wool supplied, and enjoy using their skills to create knitted pieces that would be valued by others.To that end, I obtained some large ziploc bags and put in: - 3 balls of Patons Classic Merino - 100% wool and enough to do a hat, mitts or both - a four page flyer of hats and mitts patterns for which the copyright allows duplication for charitable knitting - a letter describing your work and the guidelines for knitting - some tags that the knitters may attach to their completed projects to make it more personal.
I've attached PDFs of the letter and the tag - so that you may be assured that your name and your logo are not being misused, and that your work is not being misrepresented.
And I've attached a picture of a complete kit. Several of my friends have expressed interest, on behalf of their mothers, aunts and sisters who like to knit. And I left a sample kit with a group of seniors at my local community centre to see if they are interested - although a few of them looked as if I was trying to swindle them.
Overall I am hopeful of a good response and lots of nice warm woollens for the communities in Northern Labrador.Thanks for letting me take part in this effort!Lynn
If anyone wants a copy of the PDF to use in their own community, just fire me a message and I will pass it on. I must say, its our best flyer ever.
Thanks Lynn and Shirley!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
My Left Foot
My kiddies admired the sock and tried it on. We've all taken turns modelling it now. I never knew the difference between handmade merino socks and the ones I buy from that W store whose name must not be spoken. Now I know.
On a totally separate note, I got a lovely email from Merideth at FIRE (the Dulaan/Mongolia guys) last week. The organization is focusing its efforts and money on some great projects, including an orthopedic centre in the country. She wanted to assure us though, that they will continue to distribute hand-knit items, so anything we send to her will get shipped in 2009.
Friday, August 22, 2008
And then I Lost my Needles on the I-95
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Socks and the Sea
Here's a picture of the socks I'm making:
Note to self: when they say 12 inch circulars, they don't mean 18 inch, they mean 12 inch. Bottom line: I am stretching and stretching and stretching the 64 stitches to make it fit around 18 inches, and it won't fit.
Not pretty. I can't convince my family to take a break from our holidays to go on a yarn store hunt - imagine that.
So I'm frogging and going to go back to the 2 needle pattern.
Gotta walk before you run.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Check out the Size of the ...Needles on that Girl
Good weather - check
Lots of knitters - check
Free yarn, free patterns - check
Horse and piggy smell - double-check
One down is a pic of Jeanine - she's been my pal since last year - she's one of the first ones to send us stuff for the project. Jeanine makes me laugh. She had a hobby farm in Southern Ontario and kept sheep that she sheared, then she washed the fleece (wrecking her washing machine, I think), then spun it, then knit it. I told her they sell it already spun at the yarn store nowadays. Heh heh. Apparently I'm not funny. Anyways, this is JT spinning up yarn from her baby (well sheep-baby), Aubergine.
Plus there's a lady with massive....needles. I had to laugh.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Wool-Tyme in Ottawa is in!

Friday, July 18, 2008
Okay, I started using it 48 hours ago, and I've been on six times already. I foresee a big big problem. How can I resist when I sign in, and there are already 1400 knitters online?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Shortest Post Ever
Sunday, July 13, 2008
We're Stripping on August 3rd
You can even bring items to donate to the event, and I will gratefully accept them. We're going to start a bunch of strips, and keep on knitting until 4:30. I'm hoping that we'll have enough strips to assemble into a blanket, which I will do over my holidays.
By the way, Knitomatic, Nathalie-Roze and Sew Be It in T.O. just sent me messages lettng me know that they are in for another year. Thanks guys!
One more note: the stores mentioned that they are receiving items in the mail. Love to hear that we've got people sending in stuff remotely, but it would be great if you could send it to us directly. Here's the address:
The Warm Hands Network
240 First Avenue
Ottawa Ontario
K1S 2G6
Okay, I admit it, I'm watching Hairspray for the first time as I'm updating the blog. Some major classic lines, starting with: "Hair can't just hang there like a dead thing on your cheeks". I think I need a beehive hairdo.
Bye for now,
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Good Question, Amanda
1. Amanda asked what our deadlines are for this year. We're targetting the Innu shipment for Christmas, but honestly, it depends on the amount. We've got a second shipment going March 31st to Mongolian kids through the Dulaan project.
2. I got another email asking: "wool only"? Here's the skinny: we prefer wool because its warm and most of the communities that we ship to don't have washing machines. But if you've only got acrylic, knit with acrylic. If you've got cotton, knit with cotton. We'll find a grateful home for everything you make - money-back guarantee (okay no money but you get the point). The one request we have is no scarves please: socks, hats, mitts, blankets, sweaters - all those work perfectly.
3. We've got another drop-off location. The lovely folks at Knitknackers on James Street in Ottawa have agreed to be a collection site for us. I swear, you go in there, you won't be able to resist buying something. Single balls of Debbie Bliss for $5. Seriously.
4. We're going to be at the Ottawa Knit In at the Experimental Farm on August 3rd. We'll be knitting strips (stripping?), so stop by and say hi.
5. Air Labrador is in again (thanks to our lovely Morris).
6. We mentioned in our last post that we were knitting mainly for the 500 kids age 5 to 15, but we're also knitting for newborns (the blankets you all put together were deeply appreciated in the clinic last year). In addition to that, we've got another community that needs stuff for wee ones (the "under 5" crew) - the items will be distributed through a community outreach program.
Bottom line: you want to make a size 1 hat? We got a place for it. You want to make an adult sized sweater? We got a place for it.
7. When you drop off your stuff, leave a note with your name attached and I'll post a photo on the blog - you make not get your 15 seconds of fame, but your socks will.
And last, thanks to the lovely May, Kate, Jeannine and Amanda. Its great to know that I just need to send the word out into the cyber-void, and you all shout back, "we're in!". More to come.
AB and AB
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Here we go Again - Knitting here and away.
We mentioned it before, but in addition to the knit stuff, we wound up shipping mittens and snowsuits, donated by the good folks at MEC and through a Christmas mitten tree that we set up.
We've been getting emails from you amazing compassionate folks asking if we're going to continue. And the answer is (wait for it)
So here is the skinny: We are going to ship to Sheshatshiu First Nation. I just talked to the very cool Lorraine Rich, who is our contact there. They have 400 (!) kids aged 5 to 15 so that's the group that we're targetting. Here's what they need:
1. wool socks
2. mittens
3. hats
4. sweaters
They'd also like baby blankets for their clinic. Remember we shipped a bunch of blankets to that community last year? Well apparently they all got distributed and were much appreciated.
So what do you think? Post me a note on this site, and I'll get back to you.
Thanks for everything - you're help has made life a little sweeter,
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Janis and Me
Saturday, March 8, 2008
300 + Shipped to Mongolia
Ottawa - New York - Flagstaff - Mongolia
Shipped in these boxes were (drrrrrrrrrrumroll please):
111 pairs of mittens
15 blankets
36 sweaters
146 hats
That, combined with 300 items shipped to Afghanistan and the Innu, gets us to 600. That's so crazy, when we were targetting 100.
I loved packing the boxes - I remembered where we had collected many of the items and the knitters who gave them to us. Each item is so different and so perfect, and I love the fact that we had such a variety of sizes, that we could warm entire families with our cozy stuff.
We've got 1 more shipment to go - with the deadline of March 31st. So if you're out there, go to town, and we'll make sure your stuff gets to Mongolia!
Thanks once again,
Anita and Amy
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Maria and Jeanine
I'm busy today putting together boxes for Mongolia - big boxes, many boxes - I'll post a photo when I'm done. I'm going to NY tomorrow, and I'll post them to Dulaan from there.