1. This is from Janet of New Brunswick, aka bus13knitter on Ravelry. Janet thanks so much for the charitable contribution as well. We'll use it to buy boots for sure.
2. And before I left on holidays (Vancouver (or as my people call it "Bancouber"), Seattle, Portland, Victoria), I got this amazingly humungous box from Kathleen aka Kathleeno1 of Nova Scotia:
blankets first (the mitred one is my fave):
now socks, in an amazing array of sizes:
Given all the ravelry traffic, and the stuff that's already come in, I do believe that we'll be able to get every needy kid in the community a few pairs of socks - what a concept.
I'm waiting for the boot sales now, and we'll buy whatever we can to fill the shipment (though I think we might be cutting it close at the 100 pound mark) - thanks for everything guys, and stay tuned.
Finally, an update on shipping: I spoke to the lovely and talented Eric Fudge of Provincial Airlines and that absolute sweetheart is back in for another shipment. Eric, we love you!