Monday, October 25, 2010

On their way!

I drove to Dorval and back early Friday to take the boxes to Provincial Airlines. Thank you to Eric and his great team for contributing so much to this project! The boxes filled the back of my van, plus the back seat. The team at the depot can't stand to see me carrying boxes, so they unloaded for me, divided the shipment properly and weighed it in seconds. You can see the paper moving quickly in my photo! I have moved and can't find my camera charger, so I am using only my blackberry camera. The drive was great (although it is more fun with Anita on board - she was stuck at the office). It was a grey day to start, and then a bit of blue sky peeked through and then the sunshine.
Thank you so much for all the contributions that so many of you have made to this project. We'll keep you posted about when the boxes are delivered & distributed as best we can.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Wool-Aid Stuff

Okay some pretty good news:

1. The Wool-Aid stuff has already been received by the community - yay! Check out the pics above, that Terry sent to me. Thanks so much for everything you do, Terry!

2. The lovely Eric of Provincial has agreed to ship 235 pounds in this shipment - fantastic, given that this is our biggest shipment ever.

3. I contacted the Director of Community Health in Natuashish (the second community) - we haven't shipped to them since year one. You were so amazing with your sheer volume of socks and blankets that we will be able to ship to both communities. Amazing work, knitters.

So what next??? Let's talk!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

chococupcake and the boxes

Okay, some quick shots:

Chococupcake girl (aka Michelle of Montreal - there's a pic of her and her dad) came over to drop off some stuff - the last items to make it into the shipment! The boxes are pictured below - I used the "vacuuming" technique - gets 3 times as much stuff in.

Also good news: Terry tells me that the Wool-Aid stuff arrived in the community and has already been picked up. That's 135 pounds, just in time for snow!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

3 posts in one night - read the 2 prev please!

Okay, these socks are by Kalyle from Kagawong, Ontario. I feel like I know Kara because she's been with us since the start. Here's what she wrote: "Hope this can make the sept 30th shipment! As you can see I didn't get much done this year. However I didn't worry too much...because another woman in Quebec City where I was living learned of WH from a mention on my rav page and she went gangbusters - the infamous Esther and her German gals. Blown away by what they've contributed! This summer I moved back to ON...Manitoulin Island so we can be closer to home, with our little on (8 mo. old Cedar). I bought a knitting book at a local sale and look at what I found on page 15! (anita's note: its a picture of Innu kids learning to knit in the 1800's!). Included copies for both of you as an inspiration. Keep up the heart warming work!"

Kara you awesome thing, I love the name Cedar, first of all, and don't know how you found the time to make the socks and send us the beautiful note with an 8 month old, but thanks... here they are:

And here are some lovely socks by Shari Roy of Nova Scotia. Check out her blog here:

And finally, Stephanie Anderson of Ottawa dropped off a BUNCH of blankets at Yarn Forward this week, along with a note. The yarn she used is from Newfoundland. The orange one is my favorite:

And below are Amy and Suzanne holding up a map that the Germans sent us with the location of the items they have shipped. Thanks guys, these will be forwarded on.

It happened one night....

Okay so please check out the previous post because I had to break this one in 2 (too many pictures). This week, the ladies came over and we gawked at the piles of stuff everywhere in my house.

Here's Carlene modelling a Suzanne blanket:

Suzanne is the queen of assemblage. She attached a whole bunch of squares and this is what she got!

And I loooove this one because I think this is is a communal ravelry blanket (ladies feel free to post if I've got the blankets confused).

Carlene's pretty crochet (yep they are all Carlene's):

The ladies sorting like crazy - these are socks only - not sure where we're going to be eating thanksgiving dinner. Germans and other ravelers, can you see your stuff?

Blankets blankets blankets blankets. Haven't counted but the piles are unbelievable!

Carlene, Suzanne and the Sorting Frenzy

Okay I am having trouble uploading all the fab pix from this week, so I'll show you what I've got so far and upload more later.

Carlene (carleneruns) and Suzanne (suzanneknitter) cam over this week along with Amy and we had a little fun. Okay, first is a picture of Amy admiring Suzanne's blanket made from squares (ladies, comment and correct me if I make any mistakes).

A couple of beautiful Carlene hats - love the colours.

Okay here is a patchwor blanket made of (Carlene is this right?) donated yarn.

and some of carlene's amazing many have you made for Innu kids, Carlene, like 500??

Suzanne admiring Carlene's handiwork

More Carlene blankies (photos don't do them justice)...

And more...

and my favorite is the fire coloured one at the top. Suzanne, I will try to post yours next!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hello Box #2 - good to see ya

Cute little box of buttons that will go in the shipment. Also thanks for the pencils and stickers, Germans, I have to tell you that these kids will never have seen stickies like those!

Here we go now:

Andrea from Osnabruck (loving the turtleneck covers - completely practical - these kids do a lot of ice fishing and these are perfect)
Judith of Osnabruck
Gudrum of Heidelberg (3 kids, 2 cats and 1 husband)
Karin from Osnabrueck (love the keychains)
Auke from Herreberg
Andria Rose Nattheim
Andrea us Baden Wurttemberg
Andrea of Osnabrueck
Ingrid from Germany (Ingrid if this is the same one who wrote the letter to the kids, thank you!
Ingrid from Ulringen
I will include it in the parcel - it will be amazing to see the map of where you all are)
Katharina Kurzwig of Bielefeld
Pia of Simmelsdorf
Susanne of Cologne
Alles Gute fur du Zukureft ( hope I got that right, lady who attached the ladybug)
Wollschaefchen and her sister
Daniela aka Lautaret Gross-Umotadt of Hessen
Christine of Braunschweig(check out her blog)
Nicole of Cologne ("Innu-vative" - cute!)
Claudia Petra of Poltringen
Unsel from the Palatina
vastramamma from Austria
Astrid of Wollreich
Aulxe of Harrenberg
Helena (I think) of Ludwigsburg
t.s. stoklossa

One of the Andreas made this one: