I drove to Dorval and back early Friday to take the boxes to Provincial Airlines. Thank you to Eric and his great team for contributing so much to this project! The boxes filled the back of my van, plus the back seat. The team at the depot can't stand to see me carrying boxes, so they unloaded for me, divided the shipment properly and weighed it in seconds. You can see the paper moving quickly in my photo! I have moved and can't find my camera charger, so I am using only my blackberry camera. The drive was great (although it is more fun with Anita on board - she was stuck at the office). It was a grey day to start, and then a bit of blue sky peeked through and then the sunshine.
Thank you so much for all the contributions that so many of you have made to this project. We'll keep you posted about when the boxes are delivered & distributed as best we can.