Ahhhhh September - my favourite month of the year: those last kisses of summer (mwah!) are so appreciated, plus its an excuse to pull out the fabulous woolies. And by woolies, I mean your beautiful things. So here is a chronicle of what came in over the last couple of weeks.
Just to let you know, we've had 3 big boxes going up with the physicians travelling North. Next week, I'm putting together yet another box to go up with a great ENT named Ryan: its a bag of your infant sized stuff + blankets for the nursery.
Thank you, and roll tape....
First, its Marnie MacGregor Mooy of Aurora Ontario. Thanks Marnie! |
Can you tell that I was starting to practice with the camera again? Sheri Roy of Liverpool, NS, I titled this one "lost of socks, then hats. |
Bonnie Belanger of Ottawa, ON, the purple blanket is super-cosy. Can you see the tiny tuque peaking out in front of the sun? |
Vixen Von Tiki of Prince Albert, SK, I have to say that you are our first every contributor of knitted bibs (folks can you spot them? There are 3 in this picture). I'm sure they will be well loved and appreciated. |
Lettuce Knits had a Stitch-a-Thon in their store for us this year. Adrianna Cho of Etobicoke Ontario, Sylvie Gagne (store owner) and Brenna MacDonald, please extend my thank you to all of your knitters for the items above and below. The green blanket is going to Nunnavut via an ENT physician next weekend. |
Ok this picture is upside down but you get the idea. M Roccotane of St Creek, ON, my favorite items are the grey and white socks. The size is perfect for a teenager and they are so cozy. |
Deb Jensen (lutemama on rav) of Brier, WA sent us 16 hats of various sizes, each one unique. Thank you! |
And to accompany those hats are about 5000 socks from Kathleen Walling (Kathleen01) of Bedford, NS. Kathleen, I think that these will go to Gjoa Haven where they seem to very much appreciate the warm socks we send up. |
Janet of Oakville Ontario (Hobbygirl on Rav) knit us these six hats, which she mentioned that she tried on herself for size. Ok, I tried them on too. |
And here are 2 blankets from the Indian community here in Ottawa. A group of older women get together and stitch up squares. |
Susan Kiely-Smith (SWISH on Ravelry) of Wpg MB sent us a bunch of stuff. Susan, I only took the penguin and the 2 hats below out of the packages because they were so perfectly organized. The penguin is ridiculously adorable and sat on my deck just out of reach of my monster beagle who eyed it hungrily. |
2 Swish Hats |
I love my friend Margaret Lavictoire. She is smart and kind and a knitter. Margaret has taken the lead in sending books up to Moose Factory. She is incredible - talking to our local libraries, girl guide troops, whoever she can find about getting the right books to the right kids. This year she sent up 10 boxes for a summer reading camp program. M, your baby booties are also in a box to go to Nunnavut. |
Socks, hats and mittens. Suzanne, do you know who these came from? Can you give me a hint? |
Two gorgeous crochetted blankets and a neckwarmer from Plentimaw Fish of Waterloo Ontario. |
Plentimaw Fish, more hats from you which will go onto some sweet northern heads! |
Margaret Bradford of Ottawa, ON knitted these hats. Look at them closely: each one has a little doodad appliqué or doodad crochet on it. Margaret, I am also procuring a pair of boots with your contribution - thank you! |
And this sweet stripey blanket is also going into the clinic box this weekend.