So your stuff went out with the lovely doctors this week. Right now, it has landed in Iqualuit, boxes have been opened and distribution has started. The weather is relatively warm (a balmy 7 degrees) and daylight has started to stretch out (sunrise is a little after 2am and sunset a little after 11pm). I have a friend who lived in Iqualuit for awhile and she told me that as a southerner, the long days really messed her up - "its daylight, let's stay up! Wait, its still daylight!".
Thank you to all of you who dropped off items in preparation for the June shipment - its hard to think of knitting as the weather turns to summer but it was just terrific.
Here are some boxes I opened up late:
Jeannette (DouceAubergine) sent a bag of lovely quilts. |
Here is another one made by Jeannette. I took a close-up of my favourite square (top left). |
And of course, her beautiful socks and mittens which she makes for kids of all ages. |
Jackie Lambert, you are prolific and wonderful. Jackie of West Richland, Washington has produced so much over the past years - there is always something in the shipment from her. Thank you again!
All this to say the cupboards are bare and my mind turns to September - I will let everyone know when we are doing "packing night" so we can hopefully chit-chat and ooh and ahh over the stuff together.
Love you knitters and crochetters - you make life sweet.