Most importantly - a HUGE shout out and thank you to Canadian North, our airline sponsor, who handled our boxes for Jimmy Hikok and confirmed their support for WHN for another year. Without Canadian North we couldn't get our warm woollies to our northern partners - thank you Canadian North for another year! We literally could not do this without you!
Reminder that our slipper campaign for Larga Baffin is still on and running until November 20. So there's still time to whip up a pair or two of slippers and pop them in the mail! For all other items, please time to arrive by December 20 and we will sort and repack to go to Iqaluit early in the new year.
As well, parcels from the following fabulous crafters have arrived at Headquarters between October 6 and 25:
S from Stirling ON
Tracy from Vancouver BC
N from Fergus ON
Nicole from Toronto ON
Lynn from Selkirk ON
Susan from St Lazare de Vaudreuil QC
Ellen from Baden ON
Olive from Moncton NB
A parcel from CH
Janet from Fredericton NB
Anne from Victoria Harbour ON
S from Nelson BC
A package from Parksville BC
J from Halifax NS
Jackie from West Richland WA
Thompson of London ON
PurlsofWisdom Ottawa ON
Wentheknitter Ottawa
Thank you all!
WHN mascot Trinny wants you to know that all items have the Trinny seal of approval!