A collective of artisan knitters, community partners and sponsors working together to warm northern kids.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Arrived in Natuahsish
Great to know the items have arrived and will be distributed very soon. Winter has arrived early in many places, and there are many cold people out there.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Dropped off in Montreal
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Over the top!
48 hats!
30 sweaters!!
34 pairs of mittens!!!
26 blankets!!!!
And, we are excited that we had a dozen pairs of knitting needles and a box of lovely Washable Merino from Moda Dea, so that the community members in Labrador can knit for themselves!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Jeannine's Makin' Socks and May is the Hat Lady
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Toronto to Ottawa, the first leg
So - what's next? Hmmm - finishing stitching and crocheting squares into blankets - a task that we were able to get a good start on at the show. We'll post an inventory and more photos before packaging the items and getting them to the waiting hands at Air Labrador, and on to the communities in time for Christmas distribution.
It is lovely to see the pieces again - I have great memories of Dani working full speed to help us get packed up and kindly encouraging us to make a plan and get to Union Station! The packing job was great, Dani! And Lori - anytime you want to pick up squares to stitch together, just call! There are lots!
I was showing my parents this evening, talking about the amazing kindness - one knitter with 20 hats and a hat&sweater set. A lovely fan and feather afghan. Sitting with and being inspired by the women from the Angel Hugs Network. Denise's beautiful mitred squares - no wonder she is Dr. Knit at the DKC! An old friend of my mother's is waiting for an appointment with an oncologist, so I packed up a bag of items for her to see - Wanietta's knitted contest square, Stephanie's square of crochet which she did at our booth (I have to say the yarn at the booth was far superior!), some hats and some of the lovely sweaters. So, even before they head to Labrador, the knitting will bring warmth!
On a separate note, good luck to Liz tomorrow at the Giller Awards!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Thanks Creativ and Happy Birthday to Us

An incredible number of warm hearted people came over to the booth with donations, kind words, questions, and great skills. Many, many thanks to you who sat with us and knit and crocheted during the weekend.
So, back to the show - our first night, we met up with Dilys (Sew Be It Studio) in person for the first time. And, who should be knitting at the next table, but Wanietta, Canada's fastest knitter. A great knitter, and wonderful, funny story teller. Stephanie, we'll be pulling for you as fastest crocheter next year. This contest will stick with us, because they donated the strips and squares that were produced during the contest to us, and we'll be assembling them into blankets.
At the show, we met Mags Kandis in person. She was lovely to meet, and donated some of her sample items to our cause. Thank you, Mags, once again. She even signed my copy of her book. Her booth was across from ours at the show, beside Rose Haven Farms. What lovely yarns they have! Our neighbours were alpacas. No, really, they brought in some live alpacas to the show. At the end of the show, I caved and bought some black alpaca yarn. That will be a real pleasure to work with.
Then, there were the women of the Toronto Downtown Knit Collective. We feel like we were adopted for the weekend! Denise, Joan, and all the others - you were wonderful! Your generosity is well appreciated, and we both wish we could get to a few meetings. What a resource to the city, and to our project this weekend.
And we met Lucy Neatby, who was very kind and interested in our project. She hasn't heard the last of us, I am afraid!
Many people mentioned that they'd like to drop off additional items - that's great. We're looking for things before December 31st. You can leave them at any of our drop-off locations in Toronto or Ottawa (see right side-bar for addresses).
So here's what we learned at the show: Knitters and crochetters have hearts of gold. Even the rock stars of knitting and other booth owners came took the time to come over and cheer us on, grabbing a ball of yarn at times, and knitting us a square at their own booths. People we had only met by e-mail came, gave us their time and energy, and made our cause their cause.
People are good.
And finding that out was the best 40th birthday present you could have given us.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Amy and Anita
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Jeanine's Knitting and Peter's flying
On another note, my buddy Peter
Friday, October 19, 2007
Pie night and knitting

And, Creativ is just one week away! Yikes! Where did the time go?!! We are both looking forward to meeting more wonderful knitters, and seeing how many blankets we can put together at the show! Come and see us! We will have some beautiful Moda Dea Washable Merino to make into blankets at the show, and a spot for to sit and knit with us. Or crochet!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Dinner, and a little planning
Anyway, we are counting down! 11 days until Creativ! We won't be in Toronto in time for Mags Kandis' book launch, sadly, but we are set for some fun at the show! We're hoping you'll drop by and knit a square with us - or crochet one, or bring a donation. And stay for a chat.
Time to tuck some children into bed. They want to visit their webkinz first, now that they have seen the computer on.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Creativ Festival News
1. The Creativ Festival is North America's biggest crafters festival, and will be held in TO Oct 26 through 28th this year. It will be at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
See the sidebar to our site under drop-offs for a link to them. If you're into knitting, scrapbooking, crochet, sewing.... and more, you should go! Tons of exhibits, tons of raffles and prizes, contests for the fastest knitter, and (best of all) you can buy enough stuff to feed your crafty desires through the winter months.
2. The Warm Hands Network (that's us) will be there. We have booth #909. You can drop off your newly knit items to us at the show - we're collecting mainly for the Innu kids shipment, and the need is for any size - hats, sweaters, mittens, socks, gaiters and blankets. We'd love to meet you and thank you personally for your contribution.
3. Creativ offers free admission to anyone who brings in a newly knit (hand-knit) sweater or blanket for our project. I'm putting emphasis on the newly knit for two reasons: first, these items are going to be holiday gifts for the kids in Northern Labrador - we think that each kid deserves something new. As the recipient of many a hand-me-down, I think my little sister can attest to the fact that there's something really sweet about opening up something that was made especially for you. Secondly, its part of our deal with Creativ - we're only taking in new stuff at the show.
4. Because they are warmest, we're trying to focus on natural fibres or natural fibre blends. Please avoid 100% acrylic or poly.
5. Come by and see us at the booth, and knit a square! We're being sponsored by Moda Dea yarn and Susan Bates needles so we're going to be knitting blankets all during the show. Come try out the goods.
6. We're going to have a cool little raffle for a Fleece Artist kit - see our last post for more info.
Can't wait to meet you.
big or little
I have finally gotten over my fear of intarsia and knit the Mags Kandis Hugs and Kisses hat. I still love working with Mission Falls Yarn! But, I have always been more of a stripes or texture gal - I have knit a few christmas stockings with intarsia, and still have a half knit one which I had to pull out so many times that the white from Santa's beard was pink from rubbing on the red. But, this came together nicely, no irritating parts to pull out and start again, and no lumps left. I will have to sew up the sides - I was willing to adventure into intarsia, but not knitting in the round, yet.
And, since the Parent Support Program in Shesashuit tries to give a baby shower to the new moms in the community, I played with the pattern and came up with Little Hugs and Kisses. I think it will fit a baby. So, Thank You to Mags Kandis - this is a very fun hat, and I hope you don't mind that I played with it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Let's Go, Toronto!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
14 Days to Creativ!
So, please come by and say hello. Stay a while, sit and knit with us. Try out some great yarn, Moda Dea washable yarn.
And, I can't resist a big congratulations to Liz Hay for being on the shortlist for the Giller Award, for her new book, Late Night on Air. It's a great read.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
On the way!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Let' Hear it for the generosity of the Montreal Knitting Guild!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Check out our Creativ Sponsors, the Hilton Hotel and Fleece Artist

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Creativ Festival News
1. The Creativ Festival is North America's biggest crafters festival, and will be held in TO Oct 26 through 28th this year. It will be at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. See the sidebar to our site under drop-offs for a link to them. If you're into knitting, scrapbooking, crochet, sewing.... and more, you should go! Tons of exhibits, tons of raffles and prizes, contests for the fastest knitter, and (best of all) you can buy enough stuff to feed your crafty desires through the winter months.
2. The Warm Hands Network (that's us) will be there. We have booth #909. You can drop off your newly knit items to us - we're collecting mainly for the Innu kids shipment, and the need is for any size - hats, sweaters, mittens, gaiters and blankets. We'd love to meet you and thank you personally for your contribution.
3. Creativ offers free admission to anyone who brings in a newly knit (hand-knit) sweater or blanket for our project. I'm putting emphasis on the newly knit for two reasons: first, these items are going to be holiday gifts for the kids in Northern Labrador - we think that each kid deserves something new. As the recipient of many a hand-me-down, I think my little sister can attest to the fact that there's something really sweet about opening up something that was made especially for you. Secondly, its part of our deal with Creativ - we're only taking in new stuff at the show.
4. Because they are warmest, we're trying to focus on natural fibres or natural fibre blends. Please avoid 100% acrylic or poly.
5. Come by and see us at the booth, and knit a square! We're being sponsored by Moda Dea, so we're going to be knitting blankets all during the show.
6. We're going to have a cool little raffle for a Fleece Artist kit. Stay tuned!
So that's the dealio so far. Every knit item you drop off will warm a little one this winter. We'll post more as time goes by, so please keep hitting the site. Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
We're going to be on the Radio!!
I'll try to add more photos later. The batteries for my camera need a re-charge and the charger is in hiding. And, we may have advance notice of when the piece is going to be on the radio, so we can tune in through live streaming.
I will have a short diversion from knitting for a few days of pickling. It is that time of the year! Dont' tell my dad that I will be using a purple cauliflower in his mother's relish recipe. (He's very computer savvy but probably doesn't read blogs, even mine). We also have to harvest and make jelly from the grapes in the back yard. They are wine grapes, but still make good jelly. We lost most of our wild grape along with the oak tree, but I know it will come back a-plenty for next year. Is it wierd that my children listen with excitment for that popping sound when the lids of the jars seal?
Friday, September 7, 2007
Wonderful Women!
The Rose Gregoire House is a women's shelter, named after a very strong Innu woman, Rose Gregoire. You can read more about her at http://www.innu.ca/rosegregoire/rosegregoire.htm She played an important role in her community, helping families and her community in many ways, working to help her community heal.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Mentioned in Metro!
And, back to knitting. I did take some time for crafts on our trip, and met a wonderful rug hooker. Deanne Fitzpatrick, an incredibly talented woman you can read more about here http://www.hookingrugs.com/ Check out her stuff! Turns out she knew my grandmother and wrote a bit about my Nanny in her last book. It was a real pleasure to meet her, and I am enjoying a new craft. And I have been working on more striped hats. Next stop, Hugs and Kisses Hats.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Suzanne Atkinson Designs
By the way, check out Mags Kandis new blog, my wabi sabi country life. Am I the only moron who didn't know what wabi sabi was? She'll be at the Creativ Festival in October (and so will we, so don't forget Torontonians, drop off you hand knit sweater or blanket for free admission, Or come by our booth (909) and drop off a hat or mitts. Or come by and knit a square for our blanket, or just say hi.
Finally, shout out (I think kids don't say that anymore. I don't care, I'm bringing it back, along with Haley of Knitomatic's "coolio") to Martina Gloss of the Lion's club. She's taken up the cause with the Lion's and sending out the message to her knitters.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
We Hit 100 for afghans for Afghans
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Thanks May!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
We Love Air Labrador

Monday, August 6, 2007
a bit of knitting
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
First Shipment Sent!!!
Meanwhile, keep knitting! We'll send another shipment in about 2 weeks, around the 17th of August, to make the afghans for Afghans deadline, and then start collecting for Dulaan and Natuashish, Labrador.
I have a few hats myself that just need to be sewn up. Those baby hats do go quickly, but I am not good working with DPNs, so I am always needing to sew up that seam. If I could locate my crochet hook, that would be a quicker way for me, but I think I carried it around too long, making headbands for my daughter.
Keep knitting!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Suzanne's Winter Princess Hat
Suzanne knitted a whole wack of these hats for afghans. I liked it so much that I knit two of them this weekend. I'm a slowwww knitter, and I can honestly get one of these done in 4 hours, start to finish. Love it! You can do it in 2 strands of worsted weight, to get that lovely tweedy look, or 1 strand of bulky. Perfect for the novice knitter. Thanks Suzanne! Here is the pattern:
Size - fits 4-8 year old child
Materials: smooth worsted-weight wool - use up your odds and ends, 6.00mm circular needle and double-pointed needles, wool needle (aka tapestry or yarn needle).
Note - hat is knit in the round on circular needles, changing to dpns when the work gets too small to fit on the circular needle.
With circular needle, and two strands of yarn held together, cast on 64 sts. Join, and mark beginning of round. Work k2, p2 ribbing around for 1 1/2" (about 4 cm). Change to stocking stitch (knit every round) until work from beginning measures 4 1/2" (about 12 cm). Begin top shaping - *knit 6 sts, k2tog, rep from * around. Next round - *knit 5 sts, k2tog, rep from * around. Continue as established, decreasing 8 sts each round until only 8 sts remain. Break off yarns leaving several inches. With wool needle, thread yarn through remaining sts and pull up. Weave in ends securely. Block hat if desired. This little hat lends itself very well to using up oddments of yarn, stripes, or a simple knit/purl pattern. Have fun!
We have a logo!
I will try to figure out how to make a button, so that others can add us to their website.
Meanwhile, back to work...I mean, lunch, then work. I can tell from the smell of other people's lunches, that I should eat too. The noises from my stomach and the temperature of the coffee left in my mug should be clue enough, really, but food smells travel when the walls are only 5 feet high between offices and most people eat at their desks. Memories of yesterdays' potluck highlights are better - quinoa and black bean salad, selected cheeses from quebec...
Monday, July 23, 2007
Infant Items Needed Quickly
Back to the knitting stuff... a call has come from afghans for Afghans, looking for infant items to be shipped very quickly to them. We have a few infant items, but we are happy to ship more! We will send a shipment on August 12, with all the infant items we have by then. (Dont' worry - if you have donated other items for A4A, we will ship those as well.) I'll try to take a photo of the ones I have been working on.
Here is the call from afghans for Afghans:
If you prefer to knit small items in the summer heat, we'd love to haveyoujoin us in knitting wool baby items to be sent to Afghanistan. Good waytouse up oddballs of wool yarns, too.The CURE Hospital in Kabul has asked us to send these specific itemsfornewborns: baby hats (head circumference of 10" - 15") baby socks (footlength of 2.5" - 3.5"/no booties, please) baby blankets (minimum 40" x30")Please do send these baby items to us as soon as you are ready. We'dlike toship several boxes as soon as possible in the next month or so. Thehospitaldelivers newborns every day.CURE is one of the few hospitals that serves very sick babies in theirneonatal unit. Although, please keep in mind, we do not need itemssized forpre-mature babies. Just the sizes above. (Anything larger that we receive will be sent with our next delivery to older babies and children, so not to worry.)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Ottawa Generosity
I went to Yarn Forward today, and picked up an incredible collection of items knitted by the Ottawa community: 21 hats, 6 pairs of socks, one huge afghan and an itty-bitty cardigan that makes me smile when I look at it. I grabbed a bunch of munchkins from the 'hood to model them for the blog. Thanks so much to Suzanne Atkinson for the beautiful afghan and a bunch of the hats. Shout out to Tannis' dad as well, for 2 beautful cappers. And finally, Kelly of Hedgehog Knits, looove the sock yarn hats (see baby Dana) and sockies, which is required for the new CURE hospital shipment in Afghanistan.
Afghans will be warmer because of you, Ottawa!