I contacted Morris Earle, Cargo Manager with Air Labrador to ask him if there was some way that he could get our hand knit items to Natuashish, our Innu Community.
Within 24 hours, I got a response back telling me that he would put it forward to the Executive Committee, as (in his words) "we always take these requests seriously, and we will be a helping hand."
The Executive Committee gave us a thumbs up, thanks to Mr. Earle. He and his crew will be shipping our boxes from Montreal to Natuashish, where they will be picked up by the Next Generation Guardians and distributed.
My friends, for us, this is huge. This means that we might actually be able to move beyond shipping only hand knit items at Christmas. Maybe we can send some snowsuits, maybe some books, maybe toys...Amy and I will be contacting the community to see what the kiddies need the most. In the mean-time, if anyone out there has a lead on some kids items (preferably new) that we could ship, drop us a line.
Air Labrador flies out of Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador and ship cargo as well as people (charter and scheduled flights). Thanks, Air Labrador, and Morris!
Hi there,
I'm a reporter with CBC Radio in Labrador. I've read that you are kitting hats for children in Natuashish. Sounds like a great story. I'd like to talk more with you about this. I can be reached at
kate _kyle@cbc.ca.
Thanks and happy knitting!
Kate Kyle
Hi Kate,
I just sent you an email. We'd love to chat - all publicity is good publicity!
I live in Montreal and will try to knit a few items to help out. Let me know if I can be of help in any other ways too. :)
I just read the article in the newspaper about knitting for children in Natuashish. I wish to crochet some blankets, could you give me more information?
my address is simplydishy@hotmail.com
thanks, Cheryl Adoranti
My friends and I collected hockey equipment in recent years and personally made 2 deliveries to Natuashish.
We have collected more equipment and would like to know if it could be shipped with your knits etc.
Please email me at tracy@fourlgraphics.com and I can send you the newsletter we made of our trip there.
Thanks and keep up the good work.
I run a charity knitting group that began preparing items for the warm hands network in the fall. We are still knitting. Are you still collecting items through Yarn Forward in Kanata? Can you send me more information about your group so that I can share it with the knitters (they love to hear about where the items they knit end up)?
Shirley (gromitbryan@hotmail.com)
We recently hit the 600 mark, but we would eagerly accept the knitted items that you produce. Since starting last summer, we've shipped to Afghanistan (through Afghans for Afghans) and directly to the Innu of Northern Labrador. The Innu project was particularly close to our hearts because we wound up sending many baby blankets as well as sweaters, hats, mittens and scarves of all sizes, along with yarn and knitting needles. The elders are not knitting for their own community!
The items that your group knits will be shipped to Mongolia. We have set a deadline of March 31st for this shipment, but if you're a couple of weeks late, that's just fine. These items are being distributed through the Dulaan Project. We just received notice that they got about 80 pounds that we've shipped to them so far. We ship to Flagstaff, then the items are boxed and accompanied to Mongolia where the lovely folks of the Flagstaff International Relief Organization go door to door and distribute based on need.
Yarn Forward is continuing to gather items for us, so please feel free to drop off at either store.
Thanks again for participating - your warm woolies will be much appreciated!
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