So when we got the email from our teacher friend in Whale Cove, I thought we'd just ship in January because we had nothing in stock. But then I got a call from Yarn Forward and they had received bags of stuff! When I told Carlene about it she emailed me back that she had also picked up some lovely things, so off we went - and before we knew it, nothing became something. Not all the pictures are here because as you know, we don't always take pictures if we don't have a note or tag that tells us who made the items. Bottom line: we wound up shipping 90 pounds to Whale Cove.
Here's the other news, I went to Larga Baffin to drop off some furs and fabric. When I was there, I spoke to the lovely ladies at the front desk. I also dropped off some bags of yarn and needles that some of you had provided - that's when they got excited. Apparently there was a lady staying at Baffin Larga who is a serious knitter. I met her - I won't give you her name for privacy reasons but she is an older lady (I wouldn't dare guess her age) and lovely. We spoke through a translator and she got so excited when she saw the bags of yarn that she stood up from her walker, and walked to them and started poking around. Apparently she was really looking for something to do to keep her occupied - what's that word when everything just comes together at the right time? Not coincidence - something stronger and more divine, I believe.
Anyways, they have a little "crafts cabinet" at Larga Baffin, where people can sell their stuff - its very little. Some times when I go there is nothing but this time, there were a few breath-taking things. One of them was a teeny pair of mittens with eensy beads and detailed embroidery on it. I had to buy it - apparently they are made for kids to use as a zipper pull on clothing (parkas I think they said, but I am no expert).
You know that feeling you get when you go to Nova Scotia and everybody's an artist? Like its just so natural? That's how I felt there. Here's a picture with a dime for scale. Adorbs.
Point being, we wound up shipping 90 pounds of your lovely hand-knits to Whale Cove. As soon as I hear back, I will publish the note. And don't worry, we'll do Whale Cove again in Jan, I think.
Something else of note: I got an email from our contact in Cape Dorset, wondering if we could send up some of your woolies. The community is working to get the kids out on the land and warm clothing is very helpful - I will post more on this as soon as I hear back from our lovely community contact. It may only be January before we can ship, but those are my famous last words. If enough stuff comes in next month (and I'm betting it will), we will do an intermediary shipment.
And don't forgot Kugluktuk! They are also on our to do list for the fall/winter! A very cool school with a very cool principal!
Busier than we thought - but isn't that always the way?
So here are some photos of some of the items that we shipped out recently - the cupboards are bare. As Carlene always says - stuff comes in and stuff goes out - we're fast and friendly (ok that last part was me).
The word: serendipity.
Chococupcake girl - we packed the boxes then I saw the tag on one of your hats - only one got photographed but you get creds for all of them - thank you! |
Yarn Forward mystery donors - lovely - lots of details. |
More Yarn Forward mystery stuff. |
Susan Wood, when I got your blankets, and thought I'd reach out to Whale Cove because I wasn't sure if they could use them. I got an "Please send these" email within the hour. They are on a plane. |
Carlene, who made these? I see tags but I cannot remember the name. |
And here is Carlene holding the bear that Susan Wood made - Susan it is beautiful. I'm going to give it to Larga to provide to a child who had to come South for care - it will be loved here and taken back up North. |