Mea culpa: with all the craziness of photographing, packing and dropping off our six boxes to our lovely ENT physicians going up to Iqualuit in the past 2 months, I completely forgot to drop by Yarn Forward to see if anything was there.
So last weekend, I thought I'd give them a little visit and they brought out some bags from the back. Then there were more. It got so crazy that my entire trunk and back seat were full of bags, boxes and open items. I thought that the items were maybe for some other project but the vast majority of them had our little WHN tags on them!
So I spent tonight photographing, bagging, vacuum-packing and boxing. We're sending a massive box up to Whale Cove tomorrow, just because we can. Our teacher in Whale Cove is going to be blown away - seriously thrilled. As soon as she writes, I will post.
I need to apologize for the photo quality. Looks like someone needs a new camera. Or maybe photography lessons. Or maybe a photographer. So here we go:
these Lopi sweaters came in unlabelled but are much appreciated. Imagine the look on the phase of the 12 year old who receives a sweater like this. |
There was no name attached to these items, however our tags were attached. Whoever you are, thank you! |
Same goes for these - beautiful (please disregard my shoe in the corner - seriously, photography lessons). |
The pink sweater and brown shawl came from A. Clark of Ottawa. Thank you, A! |
These adorable items came in the mail, from Marti Anderson of Rolla Missouri. Thank you so much Marti (and I loved your cute note!). |
These came from Nona Argue of Loew PQ. Thanks, Nona! |
Each one of these was labeled "Warm Wishes from a friend in Ottawa". Yay, friend! |
More lovely anonymous contributions. |
This sweater and hats set came from Bloocanoe's mom. Thanks, mom! |
Pam Fedoruk contributed these six hats. Pam they are perfect. Thanks! |
So this is a good story: the next two photos of items contributed by the Italian Senior Group. They are prolific! Several items were knitted, some by knitters over the age of 80. Love you, Senior's group and it was great speaking with your rep today! BTW, the lovely Claire Gorman hooked them in - thanks for being a promoter extraordinaire, Claire. |
Finally there were two huge bags of anonymous vests. Love 'em and the kids of Whale Cove will love them too. |
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