I got some news from Cape Dorset about our last packing night. As soon as the boxes were received, they were picked up by a teacher and taken to the school. Really, the message was so lovely. The teacher was quite moved by the thought that someone was thinking about the kids.
This week, I've been busy arranging for, and dropping off boxes to various ENT physicians. These lovely men and women take our stuff up to Iqaluit where it is distributed out of the clinic there. We've got another set of boxes which can go at the beginning of October, so if you've got hand-knits just waiting to go, please don't hesitate to drop them by! Now that we vacuum pack the boxes, we get twice the amount in there, at least which is great.
As for all of you who contributed the items below, I just wanted to let you know that they are already on the way to the clinic. Our cupboards are bare again! Its a great feeling, just knowing how appreciated your stuff is, and as Carlene says, it comes in, it goes out, pretty quickly.
I dropped off a bunch of your fur coat and craft donations to Larga Baffin, the home away from home for Inuit receiving in medical treatment in Ottawa, this week, and got a great email back. I also spoke to one of the women who told me about how her mother was the recipient of one of the last set of fur coats, and took it apart and resewed the fur into several mittens. Such a great notion, that hands will be warm for a long time and that furs that have been sitting in a closet for several years are appreciated and valued as something precious.
Carlene had some cool ideas about Larga Baffin. They are moving into new facilities and she's thinking we should have a kind of "house-warming" for them, but providing a bunch of knitted slippers, etc. What do we think?
WentheKnitter (Wendy Piper) made the above hats and vests. Wendy, you're getting to be quite the contributor. Thank you! |
There was a cute label on these hats: "Paula and Joan (StatsCan)". Paula and Joan, did you make these while you were working at StatsCan? Did you make them on your lunch break? I need to know: there's a story there! |
No name on these blankets but I loved them - they made me think of Carlene blankets. |
Constantmac (Marlene of Ottawa) made these mittens. Marlene, I just loved your note - it was so generous and kind. You made my day! |
And even more from darling Marlene. |
Pompom hats and beautiful penmanship! That's Judy and Karen Wheeler from Dallas Texas. Thanks for your note - loved it! |
Jeremy, this one is for you: we just wanted to do a close-up of your fabulous tags with the logo. Knitters from Texas used your tags!!! You're international, Jeremy!!! |
Barbara Dreher, you're back!!! Barbara lives in Japan and created this awesome set of neck warmers and hats. We love Barbara because her stuff is so colourful and warm. Thank you! |
These blankets came in from Unravelled in Perth. Thank you Joan Strack! |
Marie Claude (Claudette) is an amazingly talented and prolific knitter. I think half of Iqaluit wears a Marie-Claude hat. There are 28 here, and... |
and even more of her lovely creations here. Thanks, as usual, Claudette! |
This sweater was knitted by the lovely and talented Carlene. Here she is, modelling it. The colours are gorgeous. |
Catriona, aka Bloocanoe came by to help us pack. She made these beautiful items as well. Great meeting you, Bloo and hope you come back soon. |
Triny watched us opening boxes. |
Carolyn Maize of Knoxville Maryland made these complicated and beautiful works of art. Thank you Carolyn! |
Jackie Lambert is all around awesome. She is a huge contributor to the Rav group and also a major force of knitting from West Richland, Washington. We simply love her. |
The Cold Lake Alberta Knitting Club makes me very happy. I'm hoping that you can read the little note there. I just loved the shrink wrapping so much that we decided to leave them like that. |
These blankets were made by Bernice and Janet Smith, as well as Karen McCaskill of Huntsville, Ontario. Ladies, the blankets are beyond cozy and beautiful. Thank you so much! |
I had to open up one of the blankets and take a photo because they are so beautiful. The fabric is bright and cheerful and just so artfully combined. Lovely! |
Bears bears and more bears from Janet Smith! |
Okay a little close-up of the bears because they were so cute. |
Karen Zorn of Bradenbury, SK contributes to pretty much every shipment. Karen, I am afraid my photo didn't do justice to your beautiful things. Thank you, as usual! |
Nandini of Brooklyn New York made 33 neck warmers. I can see kids out on the land, extra cozy in these. |
Catriona made these great slippers and mittens, along with the neck-warmer. Super-warm! |
What a wonderful assortment of things. Everything is beautiful! I am sure every article is made with love included.
Just when I think I see my favourite I scroll down and see another group of wonderful knitted items. Thanks for keeping us updated with the pictures...they truly are worth a 1000 words.
What an amazing assortment of beautiful donations. God bless all the contributors and, of course, The Warm Hands Network for their incredibly wonderful cause. The photos have inspired me to GET KNITTING so I can contribute too!
I very much enjoyed joining the packing night! However - credit for the lovely warm blankets must go to someone else (I did contribute the mitts/slippers and neckwarmer in the pic at the end though). It was a real treat to be able to help open the boxes and see all the beautifully made warm goodies inside - look forward to being a part of more packing nights!
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