Thanks guys for sending your stuff in! I spent part of this morning opening packages and bags, photographing and admiring all of your beautiful hand-knit items. They are truly gorgeous.
This lovely hat made from sock yarn was knit by Katrin Sommerfeld of Berwich Nova Scotia.
This sweater is from Aubergine's mommy, Jeanine Turcotte. Jeanine has been with us since day one and has been a huge supporter, donating money for the purchase of boots for the kids as well.
The blankets are from May Chow of Ottawa - she has been contributing since our first year too! You can always count on May to slip a few things in the bag for us.

These baby vests are from Stephanie Sinden of Ottawa. Thanks so much Stephanie - I love that you made them in slightly wider sizes! Below is another example of Stephanie's work.
And below are hats hats hats. We got a bunch without tags or labels (this is only a photo of a few) - thank you so much, anonymous donor!

Here is a square from a massive blanket knit by another kind and generous donor. I took a picture of the square because I loved it so much.

Keep on knitting! We'll post more photos as stuff rolls in.
Thanks again,
Lots to catch up on first, though, so let's start with the business then get to the pleasure:
Business: there has been some great news on the Innu front: both communities now have washers and dryers in every home. What does this mean for us? Well a few things:
1. we've now expanded our scope to indicate a preference for washable yarn, given the machine washing risk.
2. Amy and I met Chococupcake, Suzane Atkinson and Carlene (carlene runs) last October and we started talking about maybe expanding our scope - the idea was that there are many many communities in need, and maybe we could start looking at expanding our distribution base.
So here is where we are: The Moosonee Native Friendship Centre serves aboriginal families in northern Ontario. They are very keen to get a bunch of our stuff. Same situation with the washing machines however the ED feels that it would be easy to communicate with individuals that wool doesn't belong in a washing machine. He can also put some of the items in boxes to go to northern communities, in particular Kasheshewan which is a very remote community as well as other communities up the coast. We have shipping to Moosonee handled so it seems like this would be the way to go!
Here is our second thought: The Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada will be having their AGM in Feb - we will try to use that opportunity to make contact with a community that does not have washing machines and to see if we can set up a relationship.
Now for the pleasure!
These baby vests are from Stephanie Sinden of Ottawa. Thanks so much Stephanie - I love that you made them in slightly wider sizes! Below is another example of Stephanie's work.
Here is a square from a massive blanket knit by another kind and generous donor. I took a picture of the square because I loved it so much.
Keep on knitting! We'll post more photos as stuff rolls in.
Thanks again,
Anita and Amy
1 comment:
Are you sending knitting to Mongolia this year 2011?
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