So the ladies came over last night (and chococupcake skyped in which was amazing - I looooove technology!) and we packed and talked and taped and talked some more. First, to the left are the socks of the fabulous Lynn W. Lynn has been helping us out pretty much since the beginning - she is our graphic designer on staff. Here's her blog, Minding my Own Stitches
And the green blanket below is hers too - you can't tell but the pattern is incredibly intricate!
More cute socks by the sheep lady, along with some tunicky things (Jeanine calls them "Wimples" which makes me laugh).

And mittens by Jeanine as well - she is prolific, this lady.

The hat is also J's. I wanted to get a photo of the tag because its so cute - it says "DouceAubergine" and the picture is of a sheep.

An open half-full (not half-empty) box of Carlene's blankets. Carlene it is very fun to watch you crochet and you are definitely coming to my place some time to teach Shyla and I.

More of Carlene's blankets (my favorite one is the one that looks like Gatineau Park).

A photo of the fab Carlene herself, propping up stacks and stacks and stacks of blankets. Carlene, both you and your blankies are very photogenic!

And mittens by Jeanine as well - she is prolific, this lady.
The hat is also J's. I wanted to get a photo of the tag because its so cute - it says "DouceAubergine" and the picture is of a sheep.
An open half-full (not half-empty) box of Carlene's blankets. Carlene it is very fun to watch you crochet and you are definitely coming to my place some time to teach Shyla and I.
More of Carlene's blankets (my favorite one is the one that looks like Gatineau Park).
A photo of the fab Carlene herself, propping up stacks and stacks and stacks of blankets. Carlene, both you and your blankies are very photogenic!
And this photo is of Claudette (aka Marie-Claude on Ravelry). Claudette, the blankets (esp the grey one) were beautiful. Thanks to Suzanne for picking them up!

Here is a beautiful Claudette blanket - I took a separate pic because I liked it so much.

Very pretty very girly jacket sweaters all crochetted by Carlene.

These socks are by Frieda! She wrote us a sweet letter saying this was her first contribution. Welcome to the club!

Suzanne and Jeanine are showing off one of Suzanne's blankets - I think it looks like the ocean somewhere hot (only 3 more months of winter - yay!).
This is Suzanne's magic balls blanket - made from squares sent in from all over - Ravellers do you see your squares?

Jeanine and Suzanne are stretching out my favorite of Suzanne's blankets - it looks like a team hockey sweater to me (but maybe that's just me...)
Here is a beautiful Claudette blanket - I took a separate pic because I liked it so much.
Very pretty very girly jacket sweaters all crochetted by Carlene.
These socks are by Frieda! She wrote us a sweet letter saying this was her first contribution. Welcome to the club!
Suzanne and Jeanine are showing off one of Suzanne's blankets - I think it looks like the ocean somewhere hot (only 3 more months of winter - yay!).
Jeanine and Suzanne are stretching out my favorite of Suzanne's blankets - it looks like a team hockey sweater to me (but maybe that's just me...)
Ladies, from Amy and me to you, we think you are amazing - you do so much for the project, from keeping the chatter alive on the different groups, to knitting, to brain-storming, to giving us a chance to ooooh and ahhhh - we are all Warm Hands!
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