Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Gone, Baby, Gone

So your stuff went out with the lovely doctors this week.  Right now, it has landed in Iqualuit, boxes have been opened and distribution has started.  The weather is relatively warm (a balmy 7 degrees) and daylight has started to stretch out (sunrise is a little after 2am and sunset a little after 11pm).  I have a friend who lived in Iqualuit for awhile and she told me that as a southerner, the long days really messed her up - "its daylight, let's stay up!  Wait, its still daylight!".

Thank you to all of you who dropped off items in preparation for the June shipment - its hard to think of knitting as the weather turns to summer but it was just terrific.

Here are some boxes I opened up late:

Jeannette (DouceAubergine) sent a bag of lovely quilts.

Here is another one made by Jeannette.  I took a close-up of my favourite square (top left).

And of course, her beautiful socks and mittens which she makes for kids of all ages.

Jackie Lambert, you are prolific and wonderful.  Jackie of West Richland, Washington has produced so much over the past years - there is always something in the shipment from her.  Thank you again!

All this to say the cupboards are bare and my mind turns to September - I will let everyone know when we are doing "packing night" so we can hopefully chit-chat and ooh and ahh over the stuff together.

Love you knitters and crochetters - you make life sweet.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


That's the only way to describe it, when you open up 4 boxes and inside are lovely knitted things but also 4 of the sweetest notes you'd ever want to read.  Ladies I feel I know you all personally, and your notes just speak to me!  I also love all of the little labels on the stuff - I do believe that the labels with your names and locations touch both the grown-ups and the kids that much more.  So great for them to read that there is someone in Vancouver, or Washington or Montreal or Toronto who is thinking of them.

Roll tape!

Jackie Lambert (rag tag icl) can be counted upon to send us at least one box for each shipment -  Jackie I loved the notes, and took a picture of one of them below. 

These lovely neck and head-warmers came from Melanie Achen (mwachen on rav) from Burnaby BC.  Rockin' the purple.

Peggy Wallace of Oakville (drpeg on revelry) made the hats above, and also the socks, mittens, neck warmers etc below.  

I took a closeup of drpeg's fasteners because they looked so northern to me!

And this I love - Kara Mcalyle(aka kalyle) made this blanket that is a revelry squares community effort.  Thanks very much to square-creators: penny (Burlington), Andrea "aclark4" (Ottawa), Plentimawfish (Waterloo), Marlene "constantmac" Ottawa and Betsy "yarn habit (NY).  The note attached gives all of the names and says "This blanket was pieced together during the winter olympics, with contributions from many stitchers.  We hope you enjoy it."
See why I captioned this post "Sweetness"?  

The mittens come from Elaine, Kara's mom, rag "cheatelaineboothe".  Thanks, Elaine!

And finally more stuff from Kara - love the baby booties, Kalyle!

So I've got an email out to the doctors to let them know that we are ready when they are ready.  It may be a balmy 25 degrees here but in Pond Inlet, its 5 degrees, and in Arctic Bay its -5.  Your stuff is appreciated year-round.  Thanks again to everyone for contributing!